

British designer based in Madrid, with my own studio since 1999. Lecturer at Universidad Europea Madrid on the Bachelors design degree since 2008/09. Graduated from Central Saint Martins, London in 1986 with a BA Hons degree in Graphic Design and Masters in Design from Madrid's Complutense University in 2015. Now preparing my PhD in Circular Design at the UCLM. All content: © Lucinda Morrissey 2018


2013 - Sello de Correos / Post Office Stamp

Día de las víctimas del terrorismo
Unas manos alzadas en señal de rechazo al terrorismo es la imagen elegida para ilustrar mi sello para la Fundación Víctimas del Terrorismo, tiene una tirada de 300.000 ejemplares y un valor de 0,37 euros y fue presentada en julio 2013. (Obsérvese que es mi ultimo sello firmado, correos ha cambiado de política y los sellos ya no indicarán autoría)

National Day for Victims of Terrorism
Hands up high against terrorism is the chosen image to illustrate my stamp for the Victims of Terrorism Foundation, with a print run of 300,000 and value of 0.37€, presented in July 2013. (note it is my last signed stamp)